Attention Affiliates & JV Partners
Earn Up To $299 Per Sale With This High-Converting Offer

From the desk of: Brad Weinman
If you're looking for something unique to promote right now in the MMO/IM/Biz Opp space that pays high-ticket commissions, then I invite you to become a Hedgehog Pro affiliate partner today.
The Product

Hedgehog Pro is a fully automated Forex trading robot (aka, Expert Advisor or EA) that allows anyone with ZERO tech skills to start profiting from Day 1 with ZERO learning curve.
Here's why your referrals will love it:
- 100% foolproof
- No sponsoring or recruiting required – everyone earns passively
- Simple plug-and-play passive investment income system that works for creating weekly cashflow
- Profit in any economy - even in a recession
- 100% beginner-friendly
- ZERO website needed
- ZERO products needed
- ZERO coding or copywriting
Most people these days are looking for ways to make money as quickly, easily, and painlessly as possible without having to build a business or learn marketing skills.
Hedgehog Pro solves this problem by leveraging cutting-edge technology.
The bot has been averaging 5% to 8% profit per month using the standard settings, and up to 20%+ profit per month using aggressive settings.
Our automated software allows anyone (including beginners with zero experience) to start generating passive income online within their first 24 hours.
Bottom line, it's a evergreen way to generate passive income, and your subscribers and customers will love the results.
Reasons To Promote
1. COMMISSIONS: Earn up to $299 on every sale.
2. QUALITY OFFER & PROOF: Our automated trading bot and bonuses over-deliver. Our bot has been in development for over a year and a half, and our sales page offers UNDENIABLE customer proof to help boost conversions.
3. STRONG BACK-END CUSTOMER SUPPORT: We know how important customer service is AFTER the sale, and you can count on us to be there for your referrals anytime they need help or have questions.
WORKS FOR ALMOST ANY LIST TYPE: Biz Opp, IM, MMO, Finance, you name it. Our main target audience is men, ages 35 and up. However, we don't know anyone who doesn't like the idea of earning passive income while they're sleeping - see the sales page here.
Real Testimonials From Clients Using Our Software

Affiliate Terms & Conditions
Here's the other stuff you should know...
1. Our base affiliate commission level is 20%. However, if you're a super affiliate that can refer a high volume of sales, then we can offer you a commission bump after you've referred at least 10 sales.
2. Commissions are paid to you after 30 days via PayPal through the WarriorPlus platform. You must have sales from at least 5 different/unique buyers on the WarriorPlus platform before you're eligible to withdraw funds for the first time - this is WarriorPlus' requirement, not ours.
3. To protect our brand and maintain the highest quality for our customers, we screen all of our potential affiliate partners to ensure a correct fit.
By joining our affiliate program you agree not to spam your affiliate link, or make unverified claims that are untrue about me, my products, my company, etc.
In addition, you agree to not use negative words such as 'scam' in any promotional campaign, or offer cash rebates, giftcards or physical product incentives, etc. to people who buy through your affiliate link.
You also agree to adhere to all FTC guidelines regarding ethical affiliate marketing practices which can be found at
Important - You'll get banned if you attempt to send traffic from traffic exchanges, safelists, or any type of traffic source like that directly to your affiliate link. Those sources hurt the offer stats because of the sheer amount of traffic hitting the page, and are usually low quality anyways.
That's all there is to it.
Follow These Steps To Sign-Up
If you're interested in promoting Hedgehog Pro as an affiliate and earn up to $416 per sale, then follow the affiliate partner instructions below:
STEP 1: Register as an Affiliate here. If you're already a member of WarriorPlus, login to your member dashboard area.
STEP 2: Visit our offer page here and request approval as an affiliate. If we don't know each other, please include a note about how you plan to promote (email, ppc, solo ads, etc).
STEP 3: Once your affiliate request is approved, grab your affiliate link and use the pre-written email swipes below.
STEP 4: Send emails to your list (using the emails swipes below) and/or order traffic from reputable sources like TrafficAuthority and send your link!
Email Swipes
The emails below (in no particular order) can be used for evergreen, or one-off promotions.
Subject: There's no "holy grail"... but this is as close as it gets
I've never been a fan of the so-called "holy grail" of passive income online.
That phrase has been used as long as I can remember in the internet marketing space to sell online business opportunities and training courses.
Quite frankly, there's no such thing.
Yet, its keeps many people spinning their wheels in search of it.
It's like gamblers at the slot machines.
They think that if they pull the lever just one more time, they'll hit the jackpot.
Same with most people looking for ways to generate passive income online.
They think that if they buy just one more product or "done-for-you" system...
All their money problems will be solved overnight.
Again, I've never been a fan of a "holy grail" system or "magic bullet."
Nor will I ever will be.
I have to admit that THIS is as close as it gets.
Because I've seen people become successful faster with it than with anything else.
Check it out for yourself here.
You'll thank me later.
Your friend on the inside,
Subject: Are you recession-proof?
Everyone is talking about a recession.
Billions of dollars have been lost to Crypto.
Huge companies like Meta (Facebook) and Amazon have let go of thousands of people.
Inflation is out of control and continues to rage on.
Food prices and energy costs are sky-high.
Businesses are charging more for their goods and services.
And for most people, wages are remaining the same.
Now more than ever is the time to start creating additional income streams.
Something that you own and can't be taken away from you.
According to the IRS, the average millionaire has 7 streams of income.
The average American?
They have 1.
The obvious problem with only having 1 income stream is…
It can easily and unexpectedly get ripped right out from under you.
What if you get sick and need to take time off to recover?
Or you piss off the wrong person and get fired (or cancelled)?
Or, if you're self-employed, you experience a major setback in your business?
In boxing, they say it’s the punch you don't see coming that knocks you out.
Listen, I'm not here to throw a pity party.
Or sit in the corner in the fetal position, hyperventilating.
I refuse to sit around worrying about the what ifs and could bes.
Instead, I'd rather shift to something more positive and rewarding for YOU.
And that's M-O-N-E-Y.
Specifically, how to profit in a recession.
Because the best way to bulletproof your income no matter what life throws at you, is to…
Make sure it’s coming from more than one source.
That way, if disaster strikes and one of your income streams dries up, you’re not immediately ruined.
You’ve got time to pivot and keep on truckin’.
Of course, there are infinite ways to start creating additional income online.
But I prefer ones that generate passive cash-flow without having to do any extra work.
It’s a lot easier than you may think.
See, my friend Brad has been working hard behind the scenes on something very exciting.
He figured out how anyone (even those with no experience) can passively pull in $50 to $500+ per day on complete autopilot.
In fact, it works for you 24/5/365 without you having to lift a finger or do any work at all.
Big claims, I know.
But Brad’s automated income system delivers.
Even in a down market...
And even when the world’s a total sh*t show.
Rather than try and tell you about it in this email…
Go here to get the details.
See for yourself how it all works.
Speak soon,
Subject: How to get paid doing nothing?
I know...
"Impossible" right?
Not anymore.
Technology has made work-free automated income a reality.
In fact, my friend Brad's automated software cranks out passive profits for you 24-5-365 without having to lift a finger.
Once it's set up (which Brad does for you by the way), you can literally get paid for doing nothing.
In other words, you don't have to put in even 5 minutes of work to start seeing profits show up in your account within 24 hours of getting started.
I know this is hard for some people to accept.
Look, I get it...
We’ve all been taught that making money takes work…
And that it’s not possible for the average person to make money on autopilot.
So your mind rejects it.
Mine did at first...
Before I actually understood it.
Anyway, you have to really see how this works.
Then you’ll have that “Oh! I get it!” moment, too.
Check it out here...
Your friend on the inside,
Subject: Every Day
What if you could wake up to $100, $250, $500, or even $1,000+ in automated income...
Every Day?
What if you could plan your day around what YOU want to do instead of what your job (or business) makes you do...
Every Day?
What if you could go wherever you want to go, or do whatever you want to do...
Every Day?
You can.
This automated system focuses on generating hands-free passive cash-flow 24/5/365.
Some days it’s $100.
Some days $248.
Some days $519
Some days $1,028.
(The amount you can make is in direct relationship to your account size and settings).
This is the closest thing I know of to owning your own ATM.
And because your money can grow and compound over time, some clients have generated as much as $2,632 a day in net profits.
Check it out here to see how they’re doing it.
Your friend on the inside,
P.S. The beauty of this system is that ANYONE can do this.
No referring, sponsoring, or recruiting others needed
No selling needed
No website needed
No product needed
No need to be a social media “influencer” or “guru” to do this
It’s newbie friendly and can work for you on complete autopilot.
Subject: Why this works where everything else fails…
It’s no secret that 95% of the people who try to make moolah online fail.
Because just about all the methods out there for doing it requires you to master some pretty complex and time-consuming new skills.
Ecommerce, affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA, coaching, stock trading, etc.
All of them take either lots of time, lots of money, or lots of both to see any return.
My friend Brad’s automation bot is different.
There’s absolutely ZERO learning curve or skills required.
You don’t have to do ANYTHING at all to make an extra $50 to $500+ per day on autopilot.
In fact, it works best if you leave it alone and don’t mess with it.
It was built to be easy.
So anyone (even complete newbies) can use it.
The cool thing is, you could be creating automated cashflow within your first day or two.
Brad personally sets up everything for you, so you can plug right in.
He has set up accounts for me and dozens of his friends, family and clients he works with.
And just about every single one had no special skills or experience when they got started.
I don’t know if this is for you or not.
But the best way to find out is to go here and check it out for yourself.
Talk soon,
Subject: Wake up to new money
If you have any desire at all to wake up to new money daily (without doing any extra work), then you gotta see this.
It could help you make that a reality, sooner than later.
Frankly, I don’t know of a faster, shorter, easier path to generating TRUE passive income than this.
If I’m wrong, let me know.
In the meantime, go here to get more info…
Subject: Inflation is draining your savings and shrinking your income
Inflation is at a 40-year high.
The prices of everything are continuing to go up.
And they’re probably not coming back down anytime soon.
Maybe never.
So if you don’t find ways to grow your money now…
It will continue to be worth less and buy less.
This includes food, housing, utilities, and just about everything else.
If you want to get ahead of this, then you need to start investing smart.
This automated income system is an absolute inflation destroyer.
It multiplies your money on 100% autopilot without you having to do anything.
Go here for access, and get started beating inflation.
Talk soon,
Subject: Works even while you sleep…
There’s only 24 hours in a day.
And only so much you can do in your waking hours.
Making passive income while you’re awake is pretty cool.
But have you ever thought about doing it while you’re asleep?
Can you really generate automated income while you’re in dreamland?
Well, my friend Brad and his clients do it all the time.
If you want to do the same thing, kick the covers off and head over to this page to see how it could work for you.
To more nighttime passive cash-flow,
Subject: Easier than actually printing money?
Usually, to print money you need:
- A super hi-res printer/scanner
- Pressure-compressed rag paper
- Special color-shifting ink
- Security strips
- A watermark thingy
- 3D security ribbons
- A Copper inkwell
- And a Micro-printer
Or, you can do it the easy way…
But don’t take my word for it.
Go here to see proof.
See you on the inside,
Subject: #1 New Money Getting Method Of 2025
This is your personal wake up call...
...and a sneak-peek behind the curtains of the #1 money-getting vehicle of 2025, of this decade, and the foreseeable future.
See yourself right here.
I'm going to show you exactly how you can become that "person others envy” with an automated process that works for you 24/5.
This is cutting edge system is unlike anything you've ever seen.
Check out all the details right here.
More and more people are discovering this new money-getting vehicle everyday.
So don't wait...
Get the full details right here.
Your friend on the inside,
[Your Name]
Get In Touch!
If you have questions, need some extra email swipes, custom landing pages, or anything else, send your message in the contact form below and I'll get back to you asap.